Sunday, September 11, 2011

Kaname Madoka ~ Cosplay Progress

I am in the midst of working on Kaname Madoka from Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica/Puella Magi Madoka Magica. I chose to create her mahou shoujo/magical girl/puella magi outfit and I am aiming to have her finished by Halloween, although if not completed by then she will officially debut at DTAC (December Toronto Anime Convention).

First and foremost, I had to collect several reference images. Artwork is consistent from image to image (namely on the extra detailing on the bodice that separates the ruffles and pale yellow part) so I decided that I would add red bias tape to break up the ruffles and pale yellow. I felt that it looked a lot better, but it is more or less personal preference.

I officially began working on Madoka as of August 30th. I'll be breaking up progress in accordance to dates I worked on the outfit from here on.

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August 30, 2011
I decided that it would be best for me to start with pattern drafting as it would help me immensely when it came to buying the fabric for the outfit. I began drafting the easiest parts: the hair bows, the choker, and the waist bows. I also drafted a pattern for the bodice. When I drafted the pattern, I measured the length from my bust down to my waist, and I also measured my bust across. The pattern is a 6-piece bodice with a sweetheart neckline.

August 31, 2011
Orientation had officially begun for me so after the day was done, I headed over to Malabar first as it was just down the block and bought a petticoat. It happened to be on sale so I managed to get it for $20.96 after taxes. After that I walked over to the Fashion district to buy fabric.
I stopped by my favorite fabric store (the name still escapes my mind though...It was something along the lines of Wholesew and something...I will get a hold of the name soon and edit it into this post, though) and began my search there. I found the poly cotton section and found the perfect shade of red so I grabbed it. I also found 100% white cotton. I found several shades of pink but decided to buy the rest of the fabric another time.

September 1, 2011
It was the second day of Orientation, although unlike the first day it was more of a self-guided thing. I decided to ditch after lunch and continued my search for fabric once more. I went back to the same store I went to the day before and went over to the poly cotton section again. I found several bolts of fabric, each with a different shade of pink. I did not bring any reference pictures so I was working off by memory when I was deciding on the fabric. I essentially took each bolt and compared shades, and eventually decided on what to get. I took the fabric I bought to get matching thread. I also found rose pink buttons for the bodice in the back of the store. After I left the store I had stupidly forgotten that I needed to pick up lining and interfacing so I had to go back to the store to get them. I later stopped by the bead stores that were also located in the Fashion district in search of teardrop beads for the petal skirt. It was refreshing because the stores I went into had air conditioning, but it was a given considering that it was hot that day. I found teardrop crystals (expensive, that they were...) and ended my shopping there.

September 2, 2011
It was the last day of Orientation but I decided to not go this time as I was still incredibly tired from the walking and carrying everything in my backpack. I took the time to start sewing. I decided to start with the choker. It took me a ridiculously long time to do for reasons I do not quite remember. I regret the way I made it so I will most likely remake the choker.

September 3, 2011
Weekend!! I decided that I would start working on the bodice and the hair bows. I had managed to finish both hair bows, although I did not assemble or iron them both. I made them in a slightly different way than when I made the choker bow. I also cut out the fabric and lining for the bodice, and the interfacing for the heart cut out on the back.

September 7, 2011
It was my day off (I had made my schedule in a way that I would have a break in the middle of the week) so I got around to finally assembling the hair bows, although they still lacked the bands in the middle. I also took the time to work on the bodice. I had to remake the part with the heart because I am rather inept when it comes to sewing things that are...well, not straight lines? It took me a while to do and it was frustrating, but I managed to get it right the second time. I also had to begin the rigorous process of hand gathering fabric for the ruffles. I had gone through 240 inches of fabric and it was time consuming. However, everything was starting to come together once I had started sewing the pieces together.

September 8, 2011
Progress is officially beginning to slow down from this point on because of school work. I had only managed to sew on the buttons after I had come home from school.

September 10, 2011
I got around to installing an invisible zipper on the side of the bodice so that it would be easier for me to slip in and out of the outfit. I had also gotten around to making and sewing on the bands for the hair bows.

September 11, 2011
I started to work on the circle skirt. It is my first time ever making one so I had to be careful with the calculations and what not. Needless to say, it will be hard to see how it will turn out until I begin gathering and sewing. ...I also made this blog entry and need to sleep now.

September 14, 2011
I gathered the hem of the skirt and finished gathering all of the needed ruffles for the skirt as well. The skirt at the moment is too long so I need to make a lot of adjustments...and I need to make the waistband as well.

October 8, 2011
Progress has been stalled for almost a month now because schoolwork started to pick up. All of my time has been preoccupied with projects, assignments, and studying. I finally had the time to go to Value Village and found a pair of shoes for $9.99 that I would be able to use for Madoka. I simply need to get red spray paint now to get it to the color it needs to be.

October 12, 2011
I had the chance to visit the fashion district in downtown Toronto today and got around to buying the fabric for Madoka's gloves. It was expensive fabric, priced at $6.99/yrd, although I only bought half a yard.

October 20, 2011
I finally found the time to sit down and sew, so I managed to finish the white skirt. I also began to make the ruffles for the socks.

October 22, 2011
I drafted the pattern for Madoka's petal skirt and it turned out that if I were to do an eight petal skirt then the petals would have been incredibly skinny and odd-looking, so I went with six petals instead. It took me an hour and a half to pattern and then cut out the petal skirt. I still need to sew on the bias tape, add the gems, and attach it to the bodice.

October 25, 2011
I got around to buying red spray paint so that I could finally paint the black shoes I had bought. I didn't have anywhere appropriate to work though (due to the heavy rain we've experienced lately) so I ended up working in my room. Needless to say, the entire house needed to be aired out.

October 26, 2011
I remade the petal skirt as the first one didn't look right (ie. too small, etc) and attached the bias tape to it. I need to add the teardrop crystals now. I also discovered that I sewed the petal skirt on wrong so I need to stitch rip it and re-sew.